(信阳农业高等专科学校 体育部 信阳市 464000 )
摘要: 起源于印度禅的“意念健身术”,因其独特的健身及对心身疾病的防治功效而倍受当代西方社会关注。然而,这样一种古老的宗教修行手段并不完全适合现代人医疗与健身的需要,仍然需要完成其科学理论的建构,以彻底完成其由古代宗教修行手段向现代科学健身及医疗手段的转变。本文则就印度意念健身术的理论建构的一些重要问题进行探讨。
关键词: 禅定、静坐冥想、超觉静坐、自律神经训练法、瑜伽
中图分类号: 文献标识码: A 文章编号
The Thinking on Theoretical Construction of The Body-built Arts by Awareness of India
Wei Hu
(Physical Education Department, Xinyang Agricultural College, Xinyang 464000, China )
Abstract: The Body-built Arts by Awareness is followed with interest by modern-western society for its effect to cure psychosomatic diseases and promote or preserve health, However, As an ancient method of religion, it can not be appropriate enough for modern human to promote or preserve health. We must finish Theoretical Construction of The Body-built Arts by Awareness to spur it to finish the transition from n ancient method of religions to a scientific method promoting or preserving health.
Key Words : Zen、 Meditation、 Transcendental Meditation、Autonomous neural training method 、Yoga |